Monday, March 5, 2007

More than just signs

Today,reading from John 3 :1-3 has changed my perspective on seeing things.

It is interesting to note that the explanation of this perspective was took place at night. Nicodemus, a Pharisees, a ruler, this high rank man came to see Jesus for an 'explanation'. He just started an opening acknowledging Jesus as Teacher from God. Jesus' response seems 'irrelevant', if we see at a glance. But as usual, my Master in Heaven always know what is the intention of heart. He answered it right at the spot of the heart of the matter.

"Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."- John 3 :3 (NKJV)

Nicodemus, the religious leader, conclude that Jesus must be from God because of the signs that Jesus do. On the contrary, Jesus pointed out that is not in the signs that prove that He is from God, it is in the person who sees it. Often, we also do the same as Nicodemus did. We conclude somebody or something come from God out of the evidence of signs. Jesus do these signs, therefore He must be from God. But Jesus pointed that it took more than just 'signs' to determine whether it is from God or not. The determining factor is not lie in the object, but it lies in the subject who see. It's not in the event that happen, it's in the eyes who see the event. The Kingdom of God is seen through born again eyes, perceived through born again minds, felt by born again senses, understood through born again heart.

Now, don't get me wrong. There are signs and wonders from God. There are events that only God alone can do. There is nothing wrong at looking something miraculous and conclude it is the work of God. Though we have to have discernment, because not all signs come from God. But what I learn from these verses is that until we are born again, we will never fully grasp the reality of God. The reality of God is already here, whether we see it or not. A born again eyes would open us to that reality. Before we born again, we're just like blind people, unaware of the Kingdom of God. The hymn I was blind, but now I see is so true. The Kingdom of God has always here. The hands of God have always at work. The heart of God has been beating all this time. It is us who are too blind to see. We are seeking hard to search for convincing signs, and we forgot the very problem is on our eyes. We need to be born again to have eyes that are able to see the Kingdom of God.

As I reflect on my own journey with God, I admit that there are times that I so easily caught up in things that happen instead of seeing the Kingdom of God in my life. As I waiting for events of life to unfold, anxious to see the very next chapter of my life, worry of what the future may hold for me, the word of God come and nudge me. Remind my very soul, that in the midst of uncertainty, there is an assurance of God's presence. In the midst of turmoil, there is clarity of God's vision. In the scene of hopelessness, there is a hope of God that nobody can ever take away. In the midst of restlessness, there is peace that surpass all understanding. My physical eyes may see the first part of those sentences, at the same time my eyes of faith may see the latter part of them.

I used to pray, God, show me the evidence that this is Your way. I need Your signs to assure myself that I'm on the right track. Now I pray, God, open my eyes that I may see You beyond all of these. I realized my own blindness. I need Your touch to heal me of my blindness so that I can see the Kingdom of God.

So, have you seen the Kingdom of God today?

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