Friday, March 9, 2007

Behind the Rivers

Reading Genesis 2:8-15 is like reading a geographic direction. As a matter of fact, there were many research has been done based on the information in this passage, especially by the archaeologists, to try to find out where is the true location of Eden in the first place. That is not our topic today. What I got from this passage are somewhat different yet closer to our life.

This is the passage which describe the first job ever given to man, and also the location where a man live and stay and make a living. It is created in the first place by God. I am really surprise that God didn't toss the man He created right in the middle of the earth He had created. Gladly, I read that God, God Himself planted a garden eastward in Eden. Out of this worldwide location, God choose a specific location and planted a garden there for man. When I look up the meaning of Eden, it surely has such a beautiful meaning, PLEASURE. Ponder this, God put man He created in the middle of Pleasure.

Further, it is describe how God formed the PLEASURE. God made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. Then it also listed 2 important trees in the garden, the tree of life and tree of knowledge of good and evil. (OK, we'll not going to talk further on this one :D) What I want to point out is that God made this garden filled with trees which are pleasant and good. And not only that, God also complete the garden with a river which parted into four riverheads. Now, this is what I want to talk about. The rivers. What is behind the rivers?

OK, the first one is Pishon, which means INCREASE. God first blessing for this garden is giving the river, one supports of increase. It skirts in the whole land of Havilah (by the way, Havilah means circle :D), where there is gold. Now, we all know the value of gold. But it is mentioned further that the gold of the land is good. It is not only gold, but it is a good gold. Also, there are bdellium and onyx stone, the precious stones.

The second one is Gihon, which means BURSTING FORTH. It goes around the whole land of Cush ( and Cush means black.)

The third one is Hiddekel/Tigris, which means RAPID. It goes toward the east of Assyria (and Assyria means a step.)

The fourth one is the Euphrates, which means FRUITFULNESS.

[If you want to check whether these meanings are right or not, I encourage you to search the Hebrew Lexicon for Old Testament.]

Conclusively, God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden ( read: Pleasure) and He equipped with streams of Increase which circling throughout the land of good gold and jewels (means that the result will improved and it is valuable), of Bursting forth which covers the black area (means no matter how the dark part may seem, there is a power of breaking out that may happen suddenly), of Rapid step (means it is progressing quickly) which all leads to Fruitfulness (means productivity) for man to tend and keep. Talk about a dream job/place!

Now, I know we're living in the fallen world. Many of us may not have the dream job we want. Even more may not have a job at all at this moment. But it is so comforting to know that God has the best in His mind for us, humankind when He first created us. And I believe that His mind is still the same for us, His beloved children. I believe that God has prepared a garden, where we work and stay, of pleasure. Though we may not experience it now, and we may need to make a lot of change in order to reach that 'place', always remember that He has the best in store for us. And not only that,whenever you feel helpless and clueless, remember that it is God who has the idea, work on the idea, and bring the idea come to reality. (God took the man and put him...)

Lord, thank you for everything. Thank you for preparing the best place for me.Though the circumstances now may not be as I hoped it will be, help me to see Your vision for me. I believe and waiting eagerly for Your promises to come forward. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

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