Sunday, October 7, 2007

God is indeed faithful...

Been reading Corrie Ten Boom's "In My Father's House"...and can't help my tears from falling...

There are many stories which touched my heart...but the two which are the most unforgettable to me are the "From Generation to Generation" and "Let the Children Come" stories.

In "From Generation to Generation", Corrie shared how her grandfather, together with his minister, were faithfully praying for God's people, the Jews. Unexpectedly, God answered the prayers exactly 100 years later, where her father and her sisters and her brother's son sacrificed their lives for helping and hiding the Jews. Corrie herself were also imprisoned. This all happened in the same house, which used to be the place for the prayer gathering and then for the fulfillment of those prayers.

My mind flew back to the memories of my senior high school years. There were many spiritual lessons which I have learned back then. One of those is how faithful God is in answering our prayers. Back then, there was no christian student fellowship in my school. Several christian students were gathering once a week for praying. Praying for the school, the students, the teachers, and of course, so that there will be christian fellowship in the school. We faced such a tough opposition, for every week we had to secure a place in the school to pray. At first we used the classroom after school hour was over, but then it was forbidden. Then we moved into the student counseling room, which were much smaller than the classroom. But our place of 'refuge' was not for a long period. In such a short time, we all were banned to pray. At that time, somehow, deep in my heart, and my friends' hearts, we believe that we had planted the seeds. Tough may it seemed, but yet, we believe there is nothing useless when we're doing God's will faithfully. Then I graduated from the school and never heard anything about it again. Years later, my youngest sister happened to enroll in this same school. One day she shared how the christian student fellowship had just started and how God was providing every support they need abundantly. God even arranged one church located across the school which opened the place for the students to have the fellowship every Friday. Previously, during my days, there was only a blank field across the school...

It was such a meaningful lesson for me, for God reminded me of how He heard those prayers, even though back then we had to sneak around just to find a safe place to pray. A prayer, offered fervently before God, is heard. And God is indeed faithful in answering...

In Corrie's stories, it took 100 years for God to answer her grandfathers' prayer. In my story, it only took 3 years. It doesn't matter how long it may seemed, as long as we have faith in the Most Faithful One, He indeed will answer our prayers...

So glad that the Lord we serve is the One whose faithfulness is stretching far beyond our life time. How comforting to know, that many of our prayers, which we may not see the result in our life time, but then, in God's kairos, there will come the time for the answers to our prayers.

In "Let the Children Come", Corrie shared a story about a little girl named Mary. Corrie had just finished speaking to a group of parents, challenging them to bring their little children to Christ. For Corrie herself had made the decision for Jesus when she was 5 years old. One of the parents, who had a little daughter named Mary, went home and did what just had been taught. That night, her little girl gave her heart to Jesus in her bed. The next morning, this little girl was joyfully went to school, singing many songs about heaven, for she was so happy knowing that Jesus was now in her heart and made her a child of God. That particular day, an accident happened, her little girl was hit by a car and killed immediately. This sad news was shocking, but then the father of this little girl, who never made a decision for Lord Jesus, accepted Jesus as his Saviour that day. And on the burials day, many of Mary's friends came to the Lord as well.

Talk about obedience to God, to obey Him right away when we heard His truth. Talk about changing our mindset. So many times, we take lightly of chance and time, thinking that there will always someday to talk to someone or do something which we know God wants us to do. Often, we are lazy, or if not, we are crippled by our own fear. We choose comfort over obedience...God, please forgive me, for my disobedience, out of laziness and fear, I often delaying obeying You...Let me focus on You instead of myself or situation. For You know the best...give me a willing heart to obey You fully, with no reservation.

We also took lightly to tell the little children the Good News of salvation, thinking that when they grow older, we'll let them know. I have to testify, if I never knew Jesus since my young age, I would never live until today...I owe so much to those who bring me to Christ in my early childhood. Coming from a non-Christian family background, one thing which I am so grateful throughout the years is that God allows me to know Him in my early age. I know for different people, God has His own timing in meeting them. But I'm forever grateful that God choose to let me know Him in my childhood.

Lord Jesus, how can I ever say thank You...Words could not express what is in my heart...for Your love is flowing continuously and changing my life...Thank You for allowing even little children to come to know You...You are awesome...In Jesus' mighty name I pray, Amen.

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