Sunday, July 22, 2007


I think I want to apologize to whoever happened to stop by & read my blog and found that my grammar still slips here and there, or the composition is not so well. I'm working on that actually...hopefully, I can improve.

Though I have to admit, I write not because my english writing is perfect. I write because of what is in my heart. But reflecting on my weaknesses, somehow, I'm so humbled by the fact that despite my limitations, God still pour out His messages into my heart to be shared through writing, in a foreign language.

So, please be patient, God has not finished with me yet. While I'm striving to serve Him better, let's praise Him for His mercy and grace...Amazing Grace, for a wretched like me...


  1. :) don't worry gal...
    ur english never bother me :)
    but i like the shorter version of ur writings more :P

  2. Thanks a lot, that's really relieving...
    do I know you personally? Or you just happened to be one of my secret readers?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.



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