Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I've been thinking of changing a bit of the content of this blog, or else open another blog (in another place). My beloved hubby will help me with new blog, but it still on development. So meanwhile I will post things here and see whether I need to split the thing or just drop everything in one blog.

As several days ago I come across my light bulb moment :P Hence, I called my new project my Light Bulb Moment Project.

This is my personal project, and I will see whether it can help me to cope with the trouble I facing thus far. I am grateful to the Lord as He has sustained me so far. The reason I am thinking to share, besides as the testimony of God's faithfulness in my life, is also as the encouragement for those who suffer (though maybe we may not suffer from the same thing). I hope you can learn from my experiments and mistakes, as I have learnt from others as well. Our condition can be different (as in the type or severity of the condition), but I always believe God stays the same. He is good, despite my physical condition. And I was reminded again and again how His grace and love protects me thus far. I would say it's the moment of joy in the pain. I can't take the pain away, but the good news is nobody can take the joy away as well.

First of all, the project is to do with 'menial' things. I know many people will not appreciate it, but for us, it's necessary for our survival.

So here it is, I am gathering ideas to simplify life and save energy. I am thinking of something like a budget/schedule, but instead of denominated in $$ or time, it will be denominated in energy.

After struggling for about 2 years, I come to realize that this is a long journey. Instead of getting angry, depressed, sad, or even self-pity, I might as well view this as another phase in my life. Being pregnant does help. It gives me a perspective of changing life. I did mourn for my lost, but now it's time to turn mourning into dancing. I don't care if I can only do the dancing in my heart and mind, as long as it is a dance before my God, I think He is pleased with it.

Though I still hoping for full recovery, I will make the most of my current state. I am grateful for a very supportive husband, who still love me and help me throughout this difficult situation. And of course, God, who keep on teaching me the essential things in the midst of this world. Stripped of the inessential and clinging on the essential is not an easy lesson to take. But if this is His curriculum, I am willing to take it. For eternity sake :D

So yeah, will see how many ideas I can really put to work, and how many ideas are just...well, ideas. Perhaps some of the ideas won't work for me, but somehow it will work for you.

The most important thing in this project is to keep the essential the essential. Priority needs to be taken care of. We may lose a lot of quantity of life, but we can always try not to give up on the quality. In the end, it's the quality that counts :)

1 comment:

  1. A lovely post, priorites certainly get bought into focus when your energy bank is overdrawn.
    It is the quality that counts - Beautifully put :)



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