Saturday, April 14, 2007

No One

Can't help not to post this video--not because of Michael W.Smith(appearing in the beginning) and Mr. & Mrs. George W.Bush(appearing in the end):P But because these songs Cece Winans sing are profoundly reverberating into my heart. Been listening to them over and over again this whole week and the reflection that I got is that this medley are explaining some deep revelation about relationship.

I Surrender All-one of my most favourite hymns- explaining the kind of relationship characteristic we have with God. Of all kinds of relationship we have with God (you name it: Father-Sons, Master-Bond servants, Teacher-Disciples, Bridegroom-Bride, Husband-Wife, etc.), this is the most critical attitude of heart we ought to have. Surrendering all to God. In good times and bad times. In easy endeavors and tough endeavors. When sun shines brightly and when rain falls hard, even until the flood comes unexpectedly :P That's the kind of attitude we ought to have, besides great gratitude and humility, of course. One of our human tendency is trying to control everything, even things we have no authority to control. The reasons behind are fear of the unknowns, inconveniences, and hardships. We prefer avoiding all the bad ones at all cost. We strive to more comforting and pleasant lifestyle. Not that it's entirely wrong. But when that is what we aim for, sadly, it is the very thing that will overrule our lives and in the end, left us dissatisfied. I am still learning this lesson, but up to this point, I have learned that true contentment sprung out only from our true relationship with God. Intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. And there can not be any intimacy without thorough surrender. Like any other close and loving relationship we have, the key to intimacy is trust. And the evidence of trust in relationship, particularly with God, is complete surrender. Whoa! If this sounds too hard to 'chew' for you, try to open your heart. Because this matter is not something we can digest using our mind, but more to that, it can only be understood by an open, lowly, and willing heart.

When we slowly learn to surrender to God (it's a process, not an immediate events by the way), then we will experience the truth in the second songs- No One, a great worship song by Cece Winans.The first time we get to know God, we proclaim that we surrender to Him. Then the process of surrendering life to God begin, bit by bit, layer by layer, and if you continue on this pilgrimage with God, there would come a time when you look back and see how in every situation, at all times, how God lovingly sustains you through--even when you go astray. The power of love of God, in all its rich aspects, which blow your heart and soul away, will capturing your heart that you may whisper, please let me always be with You. And you want to shout and tell the whole world, how wonderful and beautiful this Lover of your soul is. I don't know which is the point of your journey with God at this moment. You may have just started, or you have been walking faithfully for quite a long time. You may have backslide, or even you haven't started a real relationship with God. No matter where you are right now, it is not important. What important is you let go and let God start to showering you and covering you with HIS amazing love, now. Turn to Him, just as you are, and let His love changes you from within and makes you a new creation. And you will be able to look into His face and stare into His loving eyes and swept away into the caring yet mighty embrace of the nail-scarred hands. Sounds too much? Well, I'm just offering His invitation which I have taken (and by the grace of God, I choose to keep on taking it):

Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!-Psalm 34:8 (NKJV)

Yes, come and taste...and you shall say that it was more than words I could describe, or lyrics Cece Winans could sing :D


All to Jesus, I surrender,
All to Him I freely give
I will ever love and trust Him
In His presence, daily live.


I surrender all, I surrender all,
All to Thee, my blessed Saviour,
I surrender all


I whisper words about You endlessly
Mostly to myself 'cause You make me believe
No one could ever love me like You could
There wouldn't be a day I'd be alone
And never would there be a time I didn't know
'Cause no one could ever love me like You could

You have been the One who fulfills my dreams
I'll never let You go
If You stay with me
I promise You would know

Of all the times I've reached out for You
Oh, can't you see how I adore You
I couldn't spend my life without You
Please believe me I will never doubt You

You've been the One to answer all my prayers
Anytime I need You I know that You'll be there
'Cause no one could ever love me like You could
I'm hoping that You'll hear these prayers of mine
I'm hoping that we'll be together for all times
'Cause no one could ever love me like you could

You have been the One who fulfills my dreams
I'll never let You go
If You stay with me
I promise You would know

Of all the times I've reached out for You
Oh, can't You see how I adore You
I couldn't spend my life without You
Please believe me I will never doubt You

Oh I would do anything for You to share that place in my heart
Please let me be the one
It would mean everything
There'll be no one to keep us apart

Of all the times I've reached out for You
Oh, can't you see how I adore You
I couldn't spend my life without You
Please believe me I will never doubt You

(Lyrics taken from &

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Restorer of Life

And may He be to you a restorer of life and a nourisher of your old age; for your daughter-in-law, who loves you, who is better to you than seven sons, has borne him." Ruth 4:15 (NKJV)

In my previous post, I mentioned a bit about experiencing God as our Master.This time, I want to share about experiencing God as our Restorer of Life. This particular trait of God is showned throughout the bible, in people's life. Specifically, I would like to learn from the book of Ruth. So, if you want to know the whole story, please read the whole book of Ruth (Ruth 1-4).

The story started in the time of the Judges, when there was a famine in the land of Judah. This is the situation of Elimelech's family faced. I know most of us can relate with the situation they're facing. It's a famine, it's a regional crisis. So, Elimelekh made a decision to answer the problem his family faced. They chose to go to the land of Moab and stay there.

It is very interesting to see this family situation reflected in their names. Hebrews, like most Asians, have meanings in their names. Elimelech means "my God is king", while Naomi means "my delight". If you have a pair with such meaning, I believe that most people would agree that the children of this pair would have wonderful meanings. But strangely, the meaning of their children's names are another extreme contradiction. Both of their children have horrible meanings. Mahlon means "sick", while Chilion means "pining". Guess this two children were born in tough times of the family. Mahlon declared the pain this family faced and Chilion stated the torment of grief or having the intense longing.

Now, from the story, we all know that after the family moved to Moab, their children took Moabites women as their wives, named Orpah and Ruth. Turned out, in ten years Naomi lost her husband and both her sons. So, left with nothing, she prepared to go home without anybody. But in the midst of her troubles, she still found the faithful friendship of her daughter in law, Ruth.(by the way, Ruth means "friendship") The reason of her decision was that she heard that the Lord had visited His people by giving them bread.

From a short true story above, I find out how the story of Naomi's family was so easily speak into our lives. If you ever facing a crisis in your life, I believe you know what I mean. And life has its own way to bring crisis after crisis into our lives and sometimes, left us behind with nothing, just like what happened to Naomi. Please remember that this is in the old days, where a woman were greatly depended on the men in their lives for their daily needs to be fulfilled. In those days, a young widow like Orpah or Ruth, would be expected to remarried to continue their lives. While for older widow like Naomi, usually other family members would have to take care of her.

In short, I would like to say that the situation which Naomi faced was turning from bad to worse, and in a longer period-despite the action taken to cope with the problem, the worse situation turned into worst situation. In foreigner's land, without husband and sons, in the old age. Talk about helplessness. Talk about hopelessness. This is a situation nobody desired. Naomi is a true witness to that. She even said that she would be called Mara (which means "bitterness").

I don't know what have happened in your lives, but I believe, if you're still living in this planet earth, then you are not misery free. Many times, when we're faced with problems in our lives, we tried our best to solve them. Then we found out that our best efforts means nothing since we seemed to fight the inevitable. The more we try, the deeper into problem we sink. Eventually, our hearts cried out, "Where art thou, Lord?" Some of us find it's so hard to believe that God is good in such circumstances. Some believe that even though God may be good or powerful, He just doesn't care enough. Others believe that probably, with so many people out there praying to God, God may be too busy to even listen to our own prayers. To the extreme, there are people who just believe that God is not exist. That's it.
What can you expect in such situation?

Reading the life of Naomi, I am so glad that the outcomes of her life is not "Mara", but even better "Naomi". I learned that even in the midst of her difficult situations, God is still working all things for good (Romans 8:28). One thing that really touch my heart is the faith which Ruth had. She confessed,"...your God, my God." (Ruth 1:16) Even in the midst of distress, Naomi's life bring a true testimony about God of Israel to Ruth. I know this is something difficult for us to comprehend. Many of us would dare to speak about God when He blessed us. Many of us feeling inadequate to witness about Him when we felt that our lives are not so 'blessed' at all (especially after we compared ourselves with others who may seemed more 'blessed' by God). Furthermore, we are ashamed to witness about Him when we found ourselves in the midst of unfortunate events. But through the life of Naomi, little that she knew at that time, even though her phase of life up to that point seemed nothing but bitterness, Ruth came to know the God of Israel. Ruth was willing to leave her own family, land, and nation to come into a covenant with God of Israel. Later in her life, we all know the happy ending she found in the land of Israel. Not only later she married the wealthy Boaz, which is a relative of Naomi's husband, but also, she was chosen to be the great great grandmother of David, of Jesus Christ, Our Saviour. And of course, Naomi also shared this great blessings.

In conclusion, what I learned from this four meaningful passages are:

  1. No matter how bad our situation is, always have faith in God who is always faithful to us. We might not know His intention. We might unable to see His hands. But we can always assured that He has a plan, wonderful plan for us, not problems. One thing I constantly remind myself is the truth that God is not only good all the time, but He is incapable of doing something bad.
  2. You may found yourselves like Naomi, feeling inadequate to testify about God, due to your circumstances. But know this, He is still TRUE GOD even when we face lots of calamities. Keeping a right attitude of gratefulness might help a lot, because you never know what may come out from those calamities, and there may be a lot of 'Ruth's around you who will come to know your God in the midst of your troubles.
  3. You could be one of those 'Ruth's. You can't understand why a good God may allow misfortune in this earth. But when you keep your faith, because God is (true) God, no matter what life may bring. Believing that He is the TRUE GOD, who is worthy of your praise and worship. Then, you will see Him as the Restorer of Life, beyond all that you could ever think or ask for.
  4. Of all that bad-to-worst situations that may happen in our lives, it is to show us this particular trait of GOD, the Restorer of our lives. The question to ask is not whether He can or not; not whether He wants to or not; the most important question to ask is whether we would allow Him to be the Restorer of our lives or not. You see, you may not know what the future may bring or when it will happen, but when you trust God as your Restorer of life, no matter how bad the situation is, you can be assured that He will somehow, create a miracle out of impossibilities. Naomi had been there, Ruth had been there. How about you?

Monday, April 9, 2007

The best "NO" answer

Usually, we would love the YES answer. But in this case, so glad that Mercy say NO.:D

MERCY SAY NO - Cece Winans

I was just a child, when I felt the Savior leading
I was drawn to what I could not understand
And for the cause of Christ, I have spent my days believing
That what He'd have me be, is who I am
As I've come to see the weaker side of me
I realize His grace is what I'll need
When sin demanded justice for my soul


Mercy said no
I'm not gonna to let you go
I'm not gonna to let you slip away
You don't have to be afraid
Mercy said no
Sin will never take control
Life and death stood face to face
Darkness tried to steal my heart away
Thank You Jesus, Mercy said no

For God so loved the world, that He sent His son to save us
From the cross He built a bridge to set us free
Oh, but deep within our hearts, there is still a war that rages
And makes a sacrifice so hard to see
As midnight fell upon the crucifixion day
The light of hope seemed oh so far away
As evil tried to stop redemption's flow

Repeat Chorus


And now when heaven looks at me
It's through the blood of Jesus
Reminding me of one day long ago

Repeat Chorus

(Lyrics taken from

Thank You, Jesus. Thank You for never letting me go. Love You so much. Amen.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Happy Passover Week!

This week has been an unforgotten week for human history, about two thousand years ago. Reading again the passages, remembering each scene which have took place for the Lamb of God to surrender His blameless life for you...and me.

As I reflect on God's love for humankind, I can't help it to see God's love in my own personal life. How His eyes has never taken off from me (and you as well--my God has a GREAT vision :D) and how still we as a human often forgot His loving kindness and faithfulness.

I believe it is not a coincidence that during this unforgettable week, I got an unforgettable lesson on becoming a true witness of God (again!!). If you're following my posts, well, you know what has happened in my recent walk with God. (If you haven't know, you can read it here:

Apparently, yesterday morning I had another interview, this time by phone, because my interviewer is located in another country. (not far from here though... :P) And i thought it would be just a job interview. It turns out that it was, but not only that. To my surprise (again!!), I was asked the address of this blog. "Oh my God," I thought," I've just posted the story about the interview, not to mention other personal stories as well." But I could sense in that critical moment that somehow, God hasn't finished with the previous event. So, I gave the address in faith, well, of course I really didn't have much choice after all:P

I wish I could tell you that afterwards everything turns out to be great. Unfortunately, NO(not in the beginning though...). What happened afterwards is, I could feel that I really, I mean, I got mixtures of uneasy feelings. You know, the kind of feelings you got when you have to go on stage and sing while you have limited memory about the lyrics or even worse, you got that voice that could kill people (literally!) when they listen to you. My heart was beating speedily, and of course, I turned to God in prayer. 'Why, Lord?' Strangely, this verse came up to my mind as an answer:

"Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them."- Hebrew 11:16 (NKJV)

This verse directly pierced into my worrying heart.
'Are you ashamed to confess that I am your God?'
"Well, of course not. But I didn't know the interviewer's belief backgrounds. And I don't know what she would think about my posts. Oh, God, please help me. Don't let me bring shame to Your name. Holy Spirit, please touch the hearts of the readers, whoever they are, whatever their beliefs, so that Your name maybe glorified and they may get the blessings." I prayed, over and over again. Not only that, I asked some close friends of mine to pray for this particular matters.

So, there went my whole Wednesday. Just because I'm aware that this is a Passover week doesn't necessarily mean that I become that 'giant of faith' person. As a matter of fact, I could see my own faithlessness, even in the midst of God's faithfulness (Passover is the evidence of God's faithfulness). I think God is right,my lesson on this witnessing subject still not finished yet.

This morning when I wake up, I'm really grateful that after not-so-peaceful night before, God somehow grants me His peace. Peace beyond all understanding. I thank God that He knew my struggle, and He helped me to cope with that. I'm also give thanks to Him, though I don't know what the result may be, I know He is faithful. I learn to put my trust in His faithfulness and not on the situation, no matter how bad it may seem to my physical eyes.

Turns out...God answered me, unexpectedly, in His faithfulness. My friend who happened to read my blog yesterday wrote that she really got blessed by my posts. And also, my interviewer as well :D (it's interesting to note that they have similar names:P)

So, lesson of the week, let God shows you His faithfulness, even when you feel that you're not that faithful at all to Him. For it is written:

"If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself."- 2 Tim 2:13

May you have a blessed Passover week!

Monday, April 2, 2007

God Is In Control

A nice reminder from a very powerful song by one of my fave artists, Twila Paris. My favourite part is in the bridges: very good thoughts to ponder especially when you are worry!

God Is In Control-Twila Paris

This is no time for fear
This is the time for faith and determination
Don't lose the vision here
Carried away by the motion
Hold on to all that you hide in your heart
There is one thing that has always been true
It holds the world together


God is in control
We believe that His children will not be forsaken
God is in control
We will choose to remember and never be shaken
There is no power above or beside Him
We know, ohh, God is in control
Ohh, God is in control

History marches on
There is a bottom line drawn across the ages
Culture can make its plan
Oh but the line never changes
No matter how the deception may fly
There is one thing that has always been true
It will be true forever

Repeat chorus

He has never let you down
Why start to worry now
Why start to worry now
He is still the Lord of all we see
And He is still the loving Father
Watching over you and me

Repeat chorus

(Lyrics taken from


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