Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Last post

for this year!

First of all, I would like to say Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.

Second, I would like to use this last post to express gratitude to my Lord...for this year has bring a lot of blessings in my life. As I look back this year, 2012 will be the year that stands out, due to:

1. Smileybaby :)
My firstborn, my beloved daughter. I never thought that despite my health condition, God still choose to give the miracle of birth to me. I remember the first time I was in the midst of my health struggle thinking of what I would like to have when I recover (if is the word used back then). I haven't fully recovered, but God choose to entrusted this little girl into my loving care. I am so grateful.

2. My hubby
I am grateful for our marriage. We've been through sickness and pain, joy and happiness as well. I realize being his wife is one of wonderful blessings in my life. Blessing that I've never expected. Glad that God lead our journey to be together.

3. Hope for new home
We got our key! We will be moving to our new place next year. After moving here and there, it's such a big relief we finally got the place of our own. I pray that this gift of shelter could a home of peace for all who enter in and out.

4. Improved Energy level
I am extremely grateful for this one. Though I have not fully recovered yet, the pregnancy and breastfeeding hormones somehow helps to improve my energy level. I think the only time it gotten worse is only during the third trimester and of course, after delivery. But apart from that, I am coping with this new motherhood. Which I have no idea but faith to do in the beginning. God is faithful. All our concerns and worries (whether I can be strong enough to take care of my baby) is being addressed by God. My energy level improved, so I can take care of my little one. She is growing well and healthy. Of course, my daily activities are not perfectly done, but I am glad the essentials are done. Remember my last idea about prioritizing my activities due to the limited energy level? Well, it serves me really well with motherhood. I will be sharing this point sometime in the future, again, when my energy level permits:)

5. Supply of milk
Glad that God still supply milk through me for my baby. I pray that I can continue breastfeeding till the time is up :) In the beginning the breastfeeding process is really tough. Pain, bleeding, you name it. But after hanging on for sometime, eventually my body get used to it. And that really brings change, especially now I can enjoy  Smileybaby even more. She loves to smile, every morning before drinking, and at the end of the feeds. Such a great motivation for mommy.

Well that's the short list for this year. What are your list of thanksgiving for this year?

Lord, thank You for this year, for Your presence, for Your blessings. In Jesus' name. Amen.:)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

another baby steps

Dear Readers,

Sorry that it took me so long to write. I have been busy. God has been good to me. In the midst of my health issue struggle, He bestowed on me little one. Now I am busy with her. Suddenly my life activities and priorities change. My treatment I put on hold. Thank God the pregnancy and breastfeeding period somehow helps my body. I have improved energy level, though I still feel tired from time to time. But I am grateful for at least I can still care for the little one.

Above is her growing feet picture. Reminds me of baby steps...

I hope one of my baby steps now is to revamp this blog (again hahaha). My life has changed I am about to change this blog content. As my baby is growing, I think my blog need some growing also. Content wise. I will still post lessons I got in my daily walk with HIM and how He has spoken or act in my life. But I think it's time to add other topics as well...which I hope will bless you readers. I can't promise of regularity yet, but my prayer is still the same from the beginning of the birth of this blog: be blessed. I pray that this blog will bless and continue to bless anyone who happened to stop by.

For we serve the God who bless,



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