Friday, December 17, 2010

On the weak side

This morning I got a beautiful song from my sis across the sea :)

Thanks sis for lifting my spirit up and reminding me of wonderful truth of the power of God and the love of Christ.

One of the lessons I learnt lately in my weak moments is that the love of God require no performance. Instead, His love gives strength to those who are weak.

Despite all the pain and struggles, I give thanks to God that through these weak moments, He teaches me of how deep His love and how great His power is. What a hope I have in Jesus!

Thank You Lord :)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Present Miracle

Lately, I haven't been able to blog a lot. The reason is because I was sick, very sick. However, it take some time to figure things out since the cause is not widely recognized by the mainstream medical practitioner (It took me almost 1 year to find the right doctor who is aware of the issues and can do the right diagnosis all the while I got worse throughout time).

Today I got the test result from the doctor and I realized that how I have been breathing miracle all this time. Despite all the pain and weaknesses that my body felt, God has sustained me throughout this debilitating journey. I live the truth of His strength is made perfect in my weakness (2 Cor 12:9).

I've just find out the causes, I haven't even started the treatment. As the doctor said that he is surprised to see my condition once he learned about the test result (I thought all this time my condition is already really bad, but apparently it could be worse), I realized that it is only by God's grace, I can still live today despite all my weaknesses. Surely, I am experiencing miracle even though I'm still feeling sick. I thank God, not for the illness, but due to the illness, I learn a lot of things regarding health and also deepen my understanding of His loving character. Indeed, He is good, wonderful, and loving God.

So, I want to share with all of you one of my fave songs:

Lord, thank You for sustaining me all this time. I never know how deep the miracle of Your strength until I realized how weak I am. Thank You Lord Jesus, Amen.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Maxim of the Day #12

The root of disobedience is unbelief; the root of obedience is faith. ~ Viola Deo

Saturday, June 26, 2010

9 Spiritual lessons from Toy Story 3

Finally, got a chance to watch Toy Story 3 with my hubby the other night :). Such a wonderful surprise date night done by my hubby:)

Anyway, since I used to watch Toy Story & Toy Story 2, I am super thrilled to find there will be the final version of it. (dunno whether they would be tempted to do the fourth installment like Shrek or not).

And this is will be my first post about 'other' ramblings.

Watching the movie makes me laugh...a lot:D Yet there are touching moments, and I realized the moment I walked out of the movie theater, there are some spiritual lessons which we can learn from Toy Story 3.

SPOILER-WARNING: If you haven't watched, better go watch before you read further. If you have watched, let's check it out:

1. Every being has its own purpose, defined by its Maker.

Even toy has its own purpose. And if toy, which made by human being has its own purpose and destiny, wouldn't us as the human being has? And the purpose and destiny is not something it invented by itself, but given by its Maker. Toys are made to be with the human owner.

2. The purpose is to be there for the Owner, not only to be played with.

I am really struck when I heard this statement (who says toy have no spiritual wisdom? :P) I guess we can say that toy's happiest and most fulfilling moment is when they got played by the owner (play in a good way of course, not damaging ways). However, they realized being toy does not mean being played all the time. There will be playing times and there will be non-playing times with the owner.

In spiritual realm, most of us thrilled when we are 'used' by God. When we are able to fulfill our most longing desire, which most would equate serving the Lord in a fruitful ministry. However, we do not realize that in the first place, we are created to "be there" for Him. Serving is part of our relationship with Him, but it is not the main thing. The main thing is that we are created for Him and to be with Him. So if today, you don't feel that you are 'being played with', do not be discouraged. Do not even trade the thrill of 'being played with" (a.k.a. success in ministry) with 'being with' (a.k.a. abide with Him). Even a toy can learn to accept this wonderful truth :)

3. The destiny seemed to be better for independence in the first place, but eventually, to be with your rightful Owner is the best destiny of all.

Contrary to the toy, we are not rejected or neglected by our God in the first place. However, we are being lied to (by the enemy) about His intention toward us. The similarity here is the response. Reacting to the rejection (or even the misunderstanding of the rejection), the toys choose the independence way.

"I will learn to care for my own, no need to cling to my Owner anymore."
"No owner, no heartache."

Sounds familiar? In the beginning, and even up this point, human race has chosen the same path. Independence from the rightful Owner. And look how terrible condition we found ourselves in. Just like the toy which found themselves in horrible condition without its owner, we can also see ourselves there. Our independence bring worse destiny than what we hope for in the beginning. (I really wonder why the toys reflect our condition so much, may be because we're the one who created it? :P)

4. It is never too late to return to your Owner, even when you had made a wrong decision to leave Him.

OK, the owner of the toys do not know the toys made a decision to leave Him. But our Owner does. However, we can learn that it is never too late to return from the toys. Hey, if a toy can feel sorry and return, what about us?

5. Beware of dwelling in the heartache, because the root of bitterness may take place in your heart.

If you watch the movie, you will certainly know this is the reason of the main villain choose to be evil. His heartbreak over the disappointment with his owner caused him to be a villain.

6. Bitterness is contagious; when you choose to feed on your bitterness, it is not only affecting you and your own world view, it is also affecting the people around you as well.

The main villain demonstrated the effect of contagious bitterness. Because of his bitterness, he caused so many toys lived in heartache and misery. How about us?

7. There is always hope, even on the verge of hell.

This one referring to the most tense scene in the movie. The toys are at the brink of fire. The fire somehow reminds me of hell. And we learnt that the toys almost didn't make it to survive. Yet they survived, because...

8. To be saved from hell, you can not rely on your own, you need help from above.

Somebody saved them from above. The toys trying hard to save themselves, even to the point of pulling each other, but the force which bring them to the fire is greater than their own power to run from it. Finally, they realized they come to an end of themselves, and ready to face the destruction. However, help comes right on time. One of their friend is out way up there, from above. Yup, the help is from 'above' :) (we also have Friend in the high place-you know, and He'll save us from the fiery hell as well, right on time :)).

9. What looks good on the outside, may not be good inside.

The main villain outer part is soft, and he love to hugs a lot too. And smell wonderfully good (strawberry). Yet, on the inside, he is mean and bitter. Guess we can't judge toy from its appearance, can we?

OK, I ended here, but I am looking forward for those who have watched to add on the lessons above. Any spiritual lessons you learn from the movie? Kindly add, I am waiting for your comments :))

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Rock, Water, and ...

Rod... no, it's not scissor :P

Today the topic would be about water, rock, and ...ehm... rod :)

Yesterday I have written a posting about knowing GOD. We can learn to know different characters of GOD (which is conveyed to us through His name). Today we will learn one of the characters of God from one of passages about rock.

There are several meanings regarding GOD as our Rock. However in today posting we will learn from the first account about the Rock mentioned in the bible.

"Behold, I will stand before you there on the rock in Horeb; and you shall strike the rock, and water will come out of it, that the people may drink." ~ Exodus 17:6 (NKJV)

The verse above is God's command to Moses when he asked to God about the response to Israelites' complaint.

And you may wonder why the Israelites were complaining. We know they are led by God Himself through the desert. We know God has proven His faithfulness so far in the journey. When the Israelites complained about bitter water in Marah, He made the water sweet so that they could drink. Then they came to wonderful place called Elim where there were plenty of waters and palm trees. But the journey continued on, and they were craved for meat and bread. And God gave them quails and manna, in the middle of wilderness.

Up to this point we would have think: "Gee, what a wonderful journey they had, they even had a delivery service in the middle of desert and they didn't even have to pay tip or wait for long time."

However, as the journey continued, they came to the place where there is no water to drink at all. It is interesting to know that before they came to this place, which is called Rephidim, they were camped in the place called the Wilderness of Sin.

The Wilderness of Sin. The meaning of Sin is "thorn" or "clay." While the place they come to is called Rephidim, which means "resting place". And more to this, it is God Himself who commanded them to move to this new place.

Now, if you are moving from "place of thorn" to "place of rest", wouldn't that be a better place? You are also moving closer to your initial destination, which is the Promised Land. Above all, God is guiding you along the way. He has done so many miracles which proves His faithfulness.

But the Israelites found themselves having no water to drink in the middle of desert.

Water, the very essence human being need to stay alive. Desert, the most awful place on earth to be without water.

This very fact made the Israelites mad. So mad that they tempted God and almost stoned Moses to death. They even accused Moses that he brought them out of Egypt to kill them with thirst!

In such critical moment, Moses cried out to God and God answered him by pointing him to a rock.

And God promised He would be standing before Moses there on the rock. He commanded Moses to strike the rock with his rod so the water will come out of it and the people may drink of it.

Needless to say, the Israelites finally got their craved water to stay alive. Water out of a rock.

And from this occasion we learn one of the meaning of calling God as Our Rock.

This particular passage provides a model which will be fulfilled by Jesus, our Rock of salvation for us.

In our journey of life, we will need living water. In the wilderness of this world, there will be no other source of living water. Only God Himself can provide for us. And He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, the one who was struck at on the cross, to flow the living water for you and me.

Have you tasted the living water which flows from Jesus, Our Rock of Ages?

Lord, thank You for revealing to us the Source of living water. Thank You Lord Jesus for your sacrifice on the cross to give us the living water. Surely You are our Rock of salvation. Amen.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Knowing HIM

"I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, as God Almighty, but by My name Lord I was not known to them." ~ Exodus 6:3 (NKJV)

As I read through the passage of Exodus I come across this interesting verse. This is part of Moses's conversation with God (actually, it is part of God's answer to Moses's complaint), after receiving a bad response from the Pharaoh.

I looked up for the meaning of the original word for Lord. Apparently it is YHWH, means the Existing One, the One True God.

It is interesting to learn that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob know God as God Almighty. And it is important to note that God is the One who appeared to them as God Almighty. However, they didn't got a chance to know God as Lord, as YHWH, the existing One.

Further down the passage, through God's work of His mighty hands, not only the Israelites, but also the Egyptians come to know YHWH as the Lord.

Right now, we can say we are in a better position than them. After all, we already have the written word of God, the Old and New Testament. But do we really know HIM much better?

From the verse, we can learn that nobody can know the Lord personally unless God Himself choose to appeared the the person. Still, our knowing of God is limited compared to the vastness of His characters.
However, this fact should not discourage us from knowing HIM. Even it means we only get to know a glimpse of HIS character, as much as He revealed Himself to us.

Which come down to this part: how far have you known HIM? If you have known HIM as God Almighty (like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob), have you known HIM as the LORD (which Israel learnt to know)?

What is the implication of such knowledge?

Knowing HIM as God Almighty brought Abraham to believe the promise God made, the covenant with Abraham and his descendants. On the other side, knowing God as the Lord brought the Israelites to the realization (or fulfillment) of the covenant: they are brought out from the land of slavery, Egypt, into the land of promise, Canaan.

Believing God of the past is not the same as believing God who holds the future.

Believing God who is known through other people experience (even it's our own parents for instance) is never the same as believing God who you know through your own experience.

Come, come and taste and see that the Lord is good, not through my experience, but through your own walk with HIM.

That is why Jesus is sent to us, for God is longing to reveal Himself to us, humankind.

All the characters of God. All His goodness. All His glory. All His mercy. All His beauty.

Have you come to know HIM personally?

Lord, thank You for revealing Yourself to us through Jesus. Lord, I long to know You more. In the name of Jesus I plead. Open my eyes and touch my heart so I may come to know You more. Amen.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

One that count

And the King will answer and say to them, 'Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.' - Matthew 25:40 (NKJV)

The verse above is part of Jesus' teachings about end times. We are familiar with the passage where Jesus will come as King, dividing the sheep from the goats.

We are told that sheep do these very thing: give food to those who hungry, drink to those who thirsty, hospitality to stranger, cloth to the naked, care for the sick, visitation to the prisoner. And the goats are those who did not do them.

However, as the King positioned himself as one of the least of the brethren, I realized that here, Lord Jesus pointed to only one, one that count.

You see, we live in the world of 'quantity worship'. Of course, to our human minds, the more the better. Our applause and admiration goes to those who can give a lot to a lot of people.

Strangely, Lord Jesus did not say so. Then, does this means that it is OK for us to do it once? (clean my hands, I finished my obligation already :P)

Much to my surprise, the sheep and the goats have no idea when they have or have not done the deed. So, what really counts is the thing they did when they did not realize it.

Which bring me to this conclusion, what have I done to one person lately, which flowing out of love of God in my heart and not for other motivation?

One is nothing in the eyes of human, but it is counted before the Lord... so significant that at the end times, Our Lord recount it, one by one. Not by bulky quantities, there is no race here for those who outdone the others in terms of quantity.

What counts is the one who is in need, is indeed Our King :)

Lord, please forgive me for the mindset of the world. Too many times, I judged things based on quantity involved. Teach me a humble heart to see, that even one is significant before You. Open my eyes and touch my heart so that I can do what You called me to do, even only for one. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Time for change :)

Welcome to my 'new' blog :)

After blogging for about 3 years, I think it's about time for change.

As for my own life, there is a lot of change took place recently.

I moved to a new country....still learn to settle down and adapt to new environment.

My work status has changed...from busy office worker to unemployed and now, full time homemaker...:P

My relationship status: from single to married. Something I never thought of when I started this blog.

Above all changes, I am glad there is one thing that still stay the same:

He is my Lord and I am His beloved :)

Glad this one truth hasn't changed :)

So, talk about things that changed and things that don't, I make a decision to do some changes with this blog also. This blog will still continue on. (I know after some months of hiatus, some may suspect I have abandoned this blog altogether.) Even though I do consider about moving to another blog, I finally opt for revising my current blog instead.

I do hope this blog will still bless you in your journey with God. I will still talk about relationship with God, in every aspect of life.

The changes will be in outlook and widgets features addition plus I will cover different topics now. I hope those who happened to pass by would like the new changes. Inputs and comments are welcomed, as I will work on improving this blog.

God bless you,

Viola Deo

Friday, January 1, 2010


May you be blessed by God through and through this upcoming year :)


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