Thursday, December 31, 2009

The last which is first

This will be my last post in 2009 :) Looking back, I realized I did not post many in 2009, but I do pray, as God's grace directed me, I will be able to do better in 2010 ;-)

This morning, as I wake up, I started to worship Him, I prayed: confessing my sins, expressing my gratefulness, and pleading that HE will speak to me, the last message this year that will become the first thing for next year.

I was brought to John 15:1-27.

Due to various changes in my life in 2009, i have entangled myself in the snare of anxiety and restlessness. But the hands of GOD is gracious towards me. His wonderful love once again bring me on my knees, and I confessed how wonderful the working of HIS grace and love in my life. I am grateful for all the things He brings to past in 2009. The worst things, He saw me through. The best things, He blessed me with.

Now, at the end of this year, the loving message I got is to ABIDE in Him.

I was wondering, how am I able to ABIDE in Him?

1. Verse 7 told us that we can let HIS words abide in us. When this things happened, we can ask what we desire and it shall be done for us. All is for the glory of the Father, when we bear much fruit. When we do, we are His disciples.

2. The next thing is to ABIDE in HIS love. How to ABIDE in HIS love? I learn something new today. All this time I thought, to abide in HIS love is to obey His commandments. It's true, but it's not yet complete. Verse 12 showed what is His commandments: that we love one another as He has loved us. Now, given the context of this conversation, it was during the last supper, the last time Jesus spent time together with His disciples. There He was giving His wonderful commandments. Verse 9 stated it beautifully: As the Father loved me, I also have loved you; abide in My love. Continued with verse 12, we abide in His love when we love one another as He has loved us. Something dawned on me suddenly. Jesus was talking to His disciples, minus Judas Iscariot. Quickly I searched the passages before. There I found the opening of these messages. In John 13:34-35 Jesus mentioned about this new commandments to His disciples. For them to loved one another as He has loved them and by that all will know that they are His disciples. Further He explained His love for them in verse 13: Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends.

Looking back in history, we learned that all of the disciples presented in the last supper were laying down their lives for the cause of the gospel. But it dawned on me that they obeyed the commandment of Jesus, and thus showed that they are true disciples of Jesus. They laid down their lives for others, as Jesus has laid down His lives for them.

Thus the implication of joy mentioned in verse 11 becomes clear. His joy remain in them and their joy become full because now, instead of only Jesus the one who loves them to that degree, they love one another to that degree as well. And Jesus continued to compared to the hatred from the world. In other words, you will face hatred from the world, but you have been loved by God and will be loved by other disciples, to the degree of laying one's life.

This whole conversation is JUST before the crucifixion. There, Jesus showed His love to His disciples, by laying down His life for them, even though they are all running away from Him, out of fear. Later in their lives, after the resurrection and the Pentecost, they laid down theirs, no longer having fear, but having love. For they have come to understand His perfect love for them. Perfect love which casts out fear.

So, given those two wonderful lessons, this is my prayer for upcoming year of 2010:

Father God, thank You for showing Your love through Lord Jesus. Lord Jesus, in this upcoming year, help me to abide in YOU. Abide in Your Words and in Your love. Holy Spirit, empower me to love other disciples the way the Lord wants us to. In Jesus loving name and power I pray, amen.


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