Friday, July 31, 2009

Miracle of His faithfulness

Today, I almost shed a tear again...

Of witnessing God's miraculous faithfulness in my life.

It started a week ago, when we attended a spiritual conference, discussing topic of Sermon from Jesus, about generosity and giving. I realized there is a nudge in my heart regarding a particular missionary friend of mine who happened to be in town.

Usually, it is a simple affair, for me just to give, but these days, not so simple anymore...since I am engaged and we are committed to be open to each other about our finances.

So I told my fiance (who happened to sit next to me that night) about the nudge in my heart, and as God works in my heart, God works in his heart too :)) We quickly pray and come with a plan of sum and way to deliver.

Unfortunately, my missionary friend would be in town only for 2 days left, and both of us (me and my fiance) was very busy with our schedule. We have some difficulties regarding how to deliver the money; but thank God, my fiance managed to get up earlier on Friday morning, on his way to deliver our invitation cards, he managed to meet my friend and deliver to her. (I am just way too busy and tired to even meet her).

That was about a week ago, and both of us been grateful for the opportunity to give regardless our situation (we are busy in the midst of moving house and preparing our wedding which now are 2 weeks away by the way).

Then it happened that 2 days ago, my fiance got an extra amount in his salary transfer. Today, he realized the amount as he read the announcement letter from his boss. He shared with me that the amount is EXACTLY the amount we gave to our missionary friend. And all within 1 week. We committed to give on last week Wednesday, we received the extra salary transfer on this Wednesday. My fiance delivered the money on last Friday, he realized on the exact amount given back to us today. (today is Friday, a week later :D)

God is wonderful, for my fiance has just started to work several months in this company. He was never told in advance there is such thing called quarterly performance bonus. I am not even aware there is such thing called quarterly bonus (the usual practice that I know that an employee at least have to work for a full year to be entitled of any bonus payment, and always paid later). But one thing for sure, God is faithful, beyond our ability to comprehend.

Even when we learn to give an amount which is quite essential for us since we are preparing for our wedding day, He showed us that He is still in control, of our living and our beloved friend's living, and of course, His work on this earth. How am I able to convey my gratefulness, not mainly for the blessings He bestowed on us, but especially, for the chance to witness His faithfulness in our lives and the opportunity to part take in His work through our lives?


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

About goal

" My goal is God Himself, not joy, nor peace,
Nor even blessing, but Himself, my God:
'Tis His to lead me there, not mine, but His---
"At any cost, dear Lord, by any road."

-- Frances Brook (born 1870), English hymnwriter.


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