Friday, April 24, 2009

How am I able to say thanks?

Dear Lord,

Thank You, for all You've done in my life. Please forgive me of my sin. When I am just running away, and simply drop everything because I am just no longer have the strength...You sent Your rescues, prayer, love, care, in a way that capture my heart and restore my mind.

Forgive me, Lord, for my unbelieving heart.

I love me to love You more, the way You do.

In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Whose kairos?

Therefore Jesus told them, "The right time for me has not yet come; for you any time is right. - John 7:6 (NIV)

As I read and meditate on the verse above (as the whole passage of the beginning of chapter 7), I realize how different the way God and human views time.

The passage begins from the disagreement between Jesus and His own brothers regarding Jesus' plan to stay in Galilea. His brothers viewed that Jesus, who has performed miracles, ought to show Himself to the world (in that moments, meaning go to Judea during the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles).

Jesus reply to them is that is not the right time for Him yet and for His brothers, any time is right.

The first thing I noticed is that Jesus did not reply to them that He was not meant to go there. Nor did He say that it is not the right place to go. His response is merely the timing. Later on, He did go to the Feast, slightly later from His brothers timing, and in a secret manner.

It is critical to note that original Greek word for time that Jesus used to describe His own time and His brothers' time is the same : kairos, which means the right time, the opportune time.

It is interesting for me since I was always taught that biblically, there are two different time and understanding, the first is kairos and another is chronos. Both stands for time, but the first one has the meaning God's opportune time, while the latter only means the sequential or linear time that human being used up (from this root we get the word of chronology). In short, one is divine and another is merely, human.

But in this verse, as I intrigued to look it up in the original language version, both used the same kairos word. It is not referring to kairos for Jesus and chronos for His brothers. It is referring kairos for both Jesus and His brothers.

I realized the difference is the view. Both sensed that going to that particular place (or do particular actions) is the right thing to do. However, while for His brother sensed that those are the particular opportune time for Jesus, given things that He has done(verse 3-4), Jesus is very clear about the timing of His action.

Most of the time, we knew what we supposed to do, especially in response to God's calling. But the question posed here, is it HIS timing?

Lord Jesus, lead me not only to know what to do, but also when to do it. You know exactly the kairos, the right timing. Teach me not to follow my own or others viewed kairos, but Yours kairos alone. In Jesus' precious name I pray, Amen.

Monday, April 6, 2009


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